Lagerstroemia flos-reginae

 Lagerstroemia flos-reginae Retz.
(This plant is belongs to family Lythraceae)

Lagerstroemia flos-reginae
(Hidayat T.)

Kingdom         : Plantae
Divisio             : Magnoliophyta
Classis             : Magnoliopsida
Order               : Myrtales
Familia            : Lythraceae
Genus              : Lagerstroemia
Species            : Lagerstroemia flos-reginae
Lagerstroemiais a deciduous or semi-deciduous small to medium-sized or rarely large tree up to 40(45) m tall; bole fairly straight to crooked, branchless for up to 18 m, up to 100(-150) cm in diameter, often fluted and sometimes with small buttresses, bark surface smooth or with small papery flakes, grey to light fawn-brown mottled, inner bark fibrous, grey-fawn to yellow, turning dirty mauve or purple upon exposure; crown usually bushy and spreading.
Leaves opposite, distichous, simple, entire, stipules minute or absent. Flowers in a large, axillary or terminal panicle, often showy, calyx funnel or bell shaped, 6(9) lobed, petals often 6, inserted near the mouth of the calyx tube, white to pink or purple, clawed, wrinkled, stamens many, in several rows, ovary superior, 3-6 locular with many ovules in each cell.
Trees shed leaves in the dry season. Saplings flower when only a few years old but viable seed production begins at 15 years old. Flowering is frequent, usually annually or even twice a year. Each flower lasts for only 2-3 days. In the Philippines, the tree flowers in April-June, in Java in JulyOctober, and in Papua New Guinea in May-July, although flowers and fruits may be found throughout the year. Pollination is by large bees and seeds are dispersed by wind.

Spot Character:                                         
Erect panicle inflorescence with purple corolla

Ornamental and medicinal plant

South Asia and Southeast Asia


Flowers of Lagerstroemia

Fruits of Lagerstroemia

Hidayat, T. dan Abdurahman, E. (2017). Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Biji di Kampus UPI Bandung. Bandung: UPI Press.
Pyinma and Arjuna. (2009). Lagerstroemia. [Online]. Tersedia:


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