Cuphea hyssopifolia

Cuphea hyssopifolia Kunth.
(This plant is belongs to the family Lythraceae)

Cuphea hyssopifolia
(Taiwan Beauty)
(Hidayat T., 2017)

Kingdom         : Plantae
Divisio             : Magnoliophyta
Classis             : Magnoliopsida
Order               : Myrtales
Familia            : Lythraceae
Genus              : Cuphea
Species            : Chupea hyssopifolia
Cuphea hyssopifolia is a much-branched, erect to spreading, evergreen shrub; it can grow 20 - 70cm tall. The plant is harvested from the wild for local use as a medicine and insecticide. It is often grown as an ornamental in the tropics - in the temperate zone it can be grown as a summer bedding plant.
Species in this genus generally prefer a position in full sun, but are tolerant of partial shade. They generally grow best in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils. Often grown as an ornamental, the plant has sometimes escaped from cultivation and become naturalized. It is considered to be invasive in some countries such as New Zealand and Hawaii.
The seed of Cuphea species is generally a good source of medium length fatty acids, which have a range of industrial and cosmetic applications and can also be used in foods. This is one of several Central American plants whose habitat is almost wholly confined to large rocks along the edges of usually swift streams. These rocks project above the mean level of the stream, but during times of heavy rain the plants often are covered by rushing water. Most of these plants, obviously, have tough stems that are able to withstand the debris carried by the often rapid currents of water.

Spot Character:
Small purple tube flower, opposite leaves
Ornamental plant

Tropical America

FMIPA A, FPMIPA C, Isola Building

Hidayat, T.  dan Abdurahman, E. (2017). Keanekaragaman Tumbuhan Biji di Kampus UPI Bandung. Bandung: UPI Press
Tropical Plants Database, Ken Fern. 2019-11-17. <>


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