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Justicia carnea

Justicia carnea Lindl.  (This plant belongs to family Acanthaceae) Justicia carnea (Kembang air mancur) (Hidayat T, 2017) Classification : Kingdom    : Plantae Divisio        : Spermatophyta Classis        : Dicotyledoneae Order          : Acanthales Familia       : Acanthaceae Genus         : Justicia Species       : Justicia carnea          Description : Justicia carnea or called Jacobinia. Jacobinia is an upright, evergreen shrub, 3 to 7 feet tall and wide, with large, 6-inch-long, dark green leaves and upwardly facing plumes of tubular, slightly fragrant flower clusters in rose-purple, red, yellow, orange, apricot, or white (depending on the selection), which appear from early summer until fall. The plant cycle...

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